Popcorn snacks

Fat implies taste, and when it comes to handmade popcorn, there are two ways to add flavor: before and after popping. Before adding the kernels, oil the pan to prevent them from sticking to the bottom. Because the smoke values of flavoured popcorn snacks and butter are too low to survive the heat required to coax open the kernels, we frequently use neutral oils (such canola and grape seed) or light (not extra virgin) olive oil.

Make It More Interesting

When your popcorn has popped, now is the moment to season it. Of course, kosher salt or flaky sea salts are fantastic, but why stop there? Freshly ground black pepper, smoked paprika, curry powder watch out for turmeric stains! , togarashi, chopped fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or sage…

The possibilities are endless. It’s simple to shake the spice into the serving dish rather than the saucepan, where it might burn or stick. The wise popcorn dressing, on the other hand, understands that heating the spice with a little butter or oil and then pouring it all over the popped kernels not only results in a more strong taste, but also ensures that every piece is covered.

But the fun doesn’t have to end there: the greatest batches of popcorn are doctored up after they’ve been popped. Drizzle your popcorn with a good quality extra virgin olive oil, or an infused olive oil to truly make it sparkle.

Popcorn snacks

Choose the Mix-Ins.

It’s simple snack math. Flavor perfection: sweet + salty + crunchy + chewy. As your massive tin tub reminds us, popcorn shines when paired with both sweet and salty tastes. This combination of golden raisins, maple syrup, pecans, and baking spices strikes all of the perfect notes. Shredded, unsweetened coconut flakes or chips are the unsung heroes of any snack mix, while chopped pecans, almonds, peanuts, cashews, or hazelnuts are always welcome. If you’re going to add the coconut and other nuts, roast them until aromatic and golden brown. It will cause the tastes to “pop.”

By Angel