Thai food is gradually emerging as the highly popular cuisines all over the world. The primary reason why this cuisine is becoming highly popular is because of the close similarity to other cuisine. Its aromatic spice mix, rice and curry combination, which is infused in the coconut is food for our soul. If you are looking for the best Thai food? You must check the list of best thai vegetarian food and gorge on the delicious Thai Jasmine Rice, Curry, Satay and lots more.

Find Satay Options

For all the meat lovers out there looking for the appetizer, you must definitely consider satay. You may choose fresh chicken or prawns. It is marinated in the coconut milk & Thai spices before getting grilled. After that, satay gets served with the peanut dipping sauce & vinegary cucumber salad and tastes delicious.

Khao Pad

Fried rice, onion, egg, some herbs – and nothing more. The popular lunch dish that is served with the wedge of lime & slices of cucumber, secret of this dish lies in the simplicity. Concept is: you are one devouring. For doing so, Thais make use of everything from crab, prawns, or chicken to chili, basil, or any left-over vegetables, to make it the most delicious dish!

Find the best Thai Restaurant

Suppose you are looking for the best Thai restaurant, you just have to search for the best Thai food in your area and place your order. Make sure you select the best Thai food appetizers.

By Angel